Friday, 2 August 2013

Chrysanths Flowers ( Dendranthema Grandiflora Tzvelev)

Chrysanths Flowers. Development and chrysanthemum seldom very complex because of the many cross-bred so many new varieties .when done with the seed multiplication will happen segresi course will take place, in order to obtain plants that are not the same as its parent.
Most species are from China, including Chrysanthemum indicum, C. morifolium, and Chusan Daisy (species unknown). The latter species was taken by Robert Fortune to England in 1843 and became the parent of spray type chrysanthemum.
Earlier in the English and Dutch in doing cross. In the United States began to cross by D. smith in 1889. He named more than 500 cultivars. Further crosses not only for a matter of interest but also to obtain cold-resistant varieties, seed quality, and post-harvest quality. Currently the most intensive cross is Dutch country. they can take hundreds of new verietas each year.

 Chrysanthemum flowers

Chrysanths Flowers

Chrysanths Flowers

Chrysanthemum flowers

: Chrysanths Flowers ( Dendranthema Grandiflora Tzvelev)
: 4.5
: deddyhits
: Chrysanths Flowers ( Dendranthema Grandiflora Tzvelev)